#pragma once
#include <vector><--- Include file: not found. Please note: Cppcheck does not need standard library headers to get proper results.
#include <queue><--- Include file: not found. Please note: Cppcheck does not need standard library headers to get proper results.
#include "snippet/iterations.hpp"
#include "internal/dev_env.hpp"
#include "structure/graph.hpp"
#include "data_structure/disjoint_set.hpp"
template<class Graph>
uni::disjoint_set uni::internal::graph_impl::mixin<Graph>::components() const noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) {
uni::disjoint_set disjoint_set(this->vertices());
ITR(edges, *this) ITR(_id, u, v, _w, _idx, edges) {
disjoint_set.merge(u, v);
return disjoint_set;