#pragma once
#include <concepts><--- Include file: not found. Please note: Cppcheck does not need standard library headers to get proper results.
#include <utility>
#include "internal/dummy.hpp"
#include "algebraic/base.hpp"
#include "algebraic/internal/concepts.hpp"
namespace uni {
namespace algebraic {
internal::magma M0,
internal::magma M1
struct combined
: base<std::pair<M0, M1>>,
std::conditional_t<internal::associative<M0> && internal::associative<M1>, associative, uni::internal::dummy>,
std::conditional_t<internal::commutative<M0> && internal::commutative<M1>, commutative, uni::internal::dummy>
using base<std::pair<M0, M1>>::base;
template<class T>
requires std::convertible_to<T, M0> && std::convertible_to<T, M1>
combined(const T& v) : combined(v, v) {};<--- Struct 'combined' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [+]Struct 'combined' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. Such, so called "Converting constructors", should in general be explicit for type safety reasons as that prevents unintended implicit conversions.
friend inline combined operator+(const combined& lhs, const combined& rhs) noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) {
return { lhs->first + rhs->first, lhs->second + rhs->second };
template<std::integral Scalar>
friend inline combined&& operator*(const Scalar k, const combined& val) noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) {
return { k * val->first, k * val->second };
friend inline combined operator-(const combined& val) noexcept(NO_EXCEPT)
requires internal::invertible<M0> && internal::invertible<M1>
return { -val->first, -val->second };
} // namespace algebraic
} // namespace uni