181 | #pragma once
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits><--- Include file: not found. Please note: Cppcheck does not need standard library headers to get proper results.
#include <iterator><--- Include file: not found. Please note: Cppcheck does not need standard library headers to get proper results.
#include <variant><--- Include file: not found. Please note: Cppcheck does not need standard library headers to get proper results.
#include <compare><--- Include file: not found. Please note: Cppcheck does not need standard library headers to get proper results.
#include <ranges><--- Include file: not found. Please note: Cppcheck does not need standard library headers to get proper results.
#include "internal/dev_env.hpp"
#include "internal/types.hpp"
#include "internal/type_traits.hpp"
namespace uni {
namespace internal {
template<class T>
struct iterator_interface {
using iterator_category = std::output_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = size_t;
using value_type = T;
using pointer = T*;
using reference = T&;
// virtual T operator*() const noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { return 0; };
template<class T>
struct forward_iterator : iterator_interface<T> {
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
// virtual bidirectional_iterator_interface& operator++() = 0;
template<class T>
struct bidirectional_iterator_interface : forward_iterator<T> {
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
// virtual bidirectional_iterator_interface& operator--() = 0;
template<class T>
struct random_access_iterator_base : bidirectional_iterator_interface<T> {
using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = typename bidirectional_iterator_interface<T>::difference_type;
// virtual random_access_iterator_base& operator+=(const difference_type count) = 0;
// virtual random_access_iterator_base& operator-=(const difference_type count) = 0;
friend inline random_access_iterator_base operator+(random_access_iterator_base itr, const difference_type count) noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { return itr += count, itr; }
friend inline random_access_iterator_base operator-(random_access_iterator_base itr, const difference_type count) noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { return itr -= count, itr; }
template<class T, class Container, class Derived>
struct container_iterator_interface : random_access_iterator_base<T> {
using difference_type = std::make_signed_t<typename Container::size_type>;
using derived = std::remove_cvref_t<Derived>;
Container* _ref;
difference_type _pos;
inline auto* _derived() noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) {
return static_cast<derived*>(this);
inline const auto* _derived() const noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) {
return static_cast<const derived*>(this);
container_iterator_interface() noexcept = default;<--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_min < std :: int32_t > > :: type , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_min < std :: int32_t > > :: type , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_min < std :: int32_t > > :: type , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_min < std :: int32_t > > :: type , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_min < std :: int32_t > > :: type , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_min < std :: int32_t > > :: type , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_min < std :: int32_t > > :: type , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_min < std :: int32_t > > :: type , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_min < std :: int32_t > > :: type , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_min < std :: int32_t > > :: type , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_min < std :: int32_t > > :: type , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_min < std :: int32_t > > :: type , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_set < std :: int32_t > > :: type , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_set < std :: int32_t > > :: type , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_set < std :: int32_t > > :: type , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_set < std :: int32_t > > :: type , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_set < std :: int32_t > > :: type , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_set < std :: int32_t > > :: type , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_set < std :: int32_t > > :: type , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_set < std :: int32_t > > :: type , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_set < std :: int32_t > > :: type , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_set < std :: int32_t > > :: type , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_set < std :: int32_t > > :: type , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_set < std :: int32_t > > :: type , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < std :: int32_t > :: type , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < std :: int32_t > :: type , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < std :: int32_t > :: type , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < std :: int32_t > :: type , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < std :: int32_t > :: type , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < std :: int32_t > :: type , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < std :: int32_t > :: type , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < std :: int32_t > :: type , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < std :: int32_t > :: type , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < std :: int32_t > :: type , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < std :: int32_t > :: type , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < std :: int32_t > :: type , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < std :: int32_t , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < std :: int32_t , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < std :: int32_t , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < std :: int32_t , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < std :: int32_t , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < std :: int32_t , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < std :: int32_t , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < std :: int32_t , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < std :: int32_t , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < std :: int32_t , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < std :: int32_t , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < std :: int32_t , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_add < long long > > :: type , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_add < long long > > :: type , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_add < long long > > :: type , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_add < long long > > :: type , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_set_range_max < std :: int32_t > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_set_range_max < std :: int32_t > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_set_range_max < std :: int32_t > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_set_range_max < std :: int32_t > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_set_range_min < std :: int32_t > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_set_range_min < std :: int32_t > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_set_range_min < std :: int32_t > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_set_range_min < std :: int32_t > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: amplifier < algebraic :: addition < std :: int64_t > > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: amplifier < algebraic :: addition < std :: int64_t > > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: amplifier < algebraic :: addition < std :: int64_t > > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: amplifier < algebraic :: addition < std :: int64_t > > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_add_range_min < std :: int32_t > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_add_range_min < std :: int32_t > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_add_range_min < std :: int32_t > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_add_range_min < std :: int32_t > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_minmax < long long , false > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_minmax < long long , false > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_minmax < long long , false > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_minmax < long long , false > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < bool , const bit_vector , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < bool , const bit_vector , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < std :: int64_t > :: type , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < std :: int64_t > :: type , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < std :: int64_t > :: type , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < std :: int64_t > :: type , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < std :: int64_t > :: type , uni :: red_black_tree_context < i64 , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < std :: int64_t > :: type , uni :: red_black_tree_context < i64 , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < std :: int64_t > :: type , uni :: red_black_tree_context < i64 , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < std :: int64_t > :: type , uni :: red_black_tree_context < i64 , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: treap_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: treap_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: treap_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: treap_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: treap_context < uni :: i128 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: treap_context < uni :: i128 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: treap_context < uni :: i128 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: treap_context < uni :: i128 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < uni :: i128 , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < uni :: i128 , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < uni :: i128 , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < uni :: i128 , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < uni :: i128 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < uni :: i128 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < uni :: i128 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < uni :: i128 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: treap_context < __int128_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: treap_context < __int128_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: treap_context < __int128_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: treap_context < __int128_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < __int128_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < __int128_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < __int128_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < __int128_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < __int128_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < __int128_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < __int128_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < __int128_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: null < std :: int64_t > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: null < std :: int64_t > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: null < std :: int64_t > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: null < std :: int64_t > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < std :: int64_t , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < std :: int64_t , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < std :: int64_t , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < std :: int64_t , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_composition < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_composition < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_composition < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_composition < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_composition < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: uint32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_composition < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: uint32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_composition < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: uint32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_composition < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: uint32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_composition < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: uint32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_composition < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: uint32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_composition < static_builtin_modint_32bit < 998244353 > > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: uint32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_composition < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: uint32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: pmr :: treap_context < std :: int32_t > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: pmr :: treap_context < std :: int32_t > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: pmr :: treap_context < std :: int32_t > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: pmr :: treap_context < std :: int32_t > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < uni :: modint < static_barrett_modular_context_32bit < 998244353 > > , false > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < uni :: modint < static_barrett_modular_context_32bit < 998244353 > > , false > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < uni :: modint < static_barrett_modular_context_32bit < 998244353 > > , false > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < uni :: modint < static_barrett_modular_context_32bit < 998244353 > > , false > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < uni :: modint < static_montgomery_modular_context_32bit < 998244353 > > , false > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < uni :: modint < static_montgomery_modular_context_32bit < 998244353 > > , false > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < uni :: modint < static_montgomery_modular_context_32bit < 998244353 > > , false > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < uni :: modint < static_montgomery_modular_context_32bit < 998244353 > > , false > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < uni :: modint < static_arbitrary_montgomery_modular_context_32bit < 998244353 > > , false > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < uni :: modint < static_arbitrary_montgomery_modular_context_32bit < 998244353 > > , false > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < uni :: modint < static_arbitrary_montgomery_modular_context_32bit < 998244353 > > , false > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < uni :: modint < static_arbitrary_montgomery_modular_context_32bit < 998244353 > > , false > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: amplifier < algebraic :: addition < long long > > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: amplifier < algebraic :: addition < long long > > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: amplifier < algebraic :: addition < long long > > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: amplifier < algebraic :: addition < long long > > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: amplifier < algebraic :: addition < long long > > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: amplifier < algebraic :: addition < long long > > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: amplifier < algebraic :: addition < long long > > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: amplifier < algebraic :: addition < long long > > , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: amplifier < algebraic :: addition < long long > > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: amplifier < algebraic :: addition < long long > > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: amplifier < algebraic :: addition < long long > > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: amplifier < algebraic :: addition < long long > > , uni :: persistent_red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_set_range_composition < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_set_range_composition < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_set_range_composition < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_set_range_composition < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: range_affine_range_sum < static_modint_32bit < 998244353 > , false > , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_sum < std :: int64_t > > :: type , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_sum < std :: int64_t > > :: type , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_sum < std :: int64_t > > :: type , treap_context < i64 , true , std :: allocator < SizeType > , -1 > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_sum < std :: int64_t > > :: type , treap_context < > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior. <--- Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_sum < std :: int64_t > > :: type , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_sum < std :: int64_t > > :: type , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. [+]Member variable 'container_iterator_interface < internal :: dynamic_tree_impl :: sequence_core < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_sum < std :: int64_t > > :: type , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > :: operand , uni :: dynamic_sequence < uni :: actions :: make_full < uni :: actions :: range_sum < std :: int64_t > > :: type , uni :: red_black_tree_context < std :: int32_t , true , uni :: node_handlers :: reusing < std :: allocator < SizeType > > > > , iterator >::_ref' is not initialized in the constructor. Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior.
container_iterator_interface(Container *const ref, const difference_type pos) noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) : _ref(ref), _pos(pos) {}
inline auto ref() const noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { return this->_ref; }
inline auto pos() const noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { return this->_pos; }
inline auto& pos() { return this->_pos; }
inline auto& operator++() noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { return ++this->_pos, *this->_derived(); }
inline auto& operator--() noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { return --this->_pos, *this->_derived(); }
inline auto operator++(int) noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { auto res = *this->_derived(); return ++this->_pos, res; }
inline auto operator--(int) noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { auto res = *this->_derived(); return --this->_pos, res; }
inline auto& operator+=(const difference_type count) noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { return this->_pos += count, *this->_derived(); }
inline auto& operator-=(const difference_type count) noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { return this->_pos -= count, *this->_derived(); }
inline auto operator*() const noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { return this->ref()->get(this->_pos); }
inline auto operator[](const difference_type count) const noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { return *(*this->_derived() + count); }
inline auto operator-(const derived& other) const noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { return this->_pos - other._pos; }
friend inline bool operator==(const derived& lhs, const derived& rhs) noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) {
if(lhs.ref() == rhs.ref()) return lhs._pos == rhs._pos;
return false;
friend inline std::partial_ordering operator<=>(const derived& lhs, const derived& rhs) noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) {
if(lhs.ref() != rhs.ref()) return std::partial_ordering::unordered;
return lhs._pos <=> rhs._pos;
namespace iterator_impl {
template<class... Tags>
using is_all_random_access_iterator = is_base_of_all<std::random_access_iterator_tag,Tags...>;
template<class... Tags>
using is_all_bidirectional_iterator = is_base_of_all<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag,Tags...>;
template<class... Tags>
using is_all_forward_iterator = is_base_of_all<std::forward_iterator_tag,Tags...>;
template<class... Tags>
using is_all_input_iterator = is_base_of_all<std::input_iterator_tag,Tags...>;
template<class... Tags>
constexpr auto _most_primitive_iterator_tag() {
if constexpr(is_all_random_access_iterator<Tags...>::value) {
return std::random_access_iterator_tag{};
else if constexpr(is_all_bidirectional_iterator<Tags...>::value) {
return std::bidirectional_iterator_tag{};
else if constexpr(is_all_forward_iterator<Tags...>::value) {
return std::forward_iterator_tag{};
else {
return std::input_iterator_tag{};
} // namespace iterator_impl
template<class... Tags>
using most_primitive_iterator_tag = decltype(iterator_impl::_most_primitive_iterator_tag<Tags...>());
template<class T, class = void>
struct is_iterator {
static constexpr bool value = false;
template<class T>
struct is_iterator<T, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<typename std::iterator_traits<T>::value_type, void>::value>::type> {
static constexpr bool value = true;
template<class T>
inline constexpr bool is_iterator_v = is_iterator<T>::value;
template<class T>
using is_iterator_t = std::enable_if_t<is_iterator_v<T>>;
template<class T>
using iota_diff_t = std::make_signed_t<T>;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace uni