#pragma once
#include <cassert><--- Include file: not found. Please note: Cppcheck does not need standard library headers to get proper results.
#include <iterator><--- Include file: not found. Please note: Cppcheck does not need standard library headers to get proper results.
#include <concepts><--- Include file: not found. Please note: Cppcheck does not need standard library headers to get proper results.
#include <ranges><--- Include file: not found. Please note: Cppcheck does not need standard library headers to get proper results.
#include "internal/dev_env.hpp"
#include "global/constants.hpp"
namespace uni {
namespace internal {
template<class Super, std::integral SizeType = typename Super::size_type>
struct range_reference {
using size_type = SizeType;
using iterator = Super::iterator;
Super *const _super;
const size_type _begin, _end;
range_reference(Super *const super, const size_type begin, const size_type end) noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) : _super(super), _begin(begin), _end(end) {}
inline auto begin() const noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { return std::ranges::next(std::ranges::begin(*this->_super), this->_begin); }
inline auto end() const noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { return std::ranges::next(std::ranges::begin(*this->_super), this->_end); }
inline auto size() const noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { return this->_end - this->_begin; }
inline auto interval() const noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { return std::make_pair(this->_begin, this->_end); }
inline auto sub_range(size_type l, size_type r) const noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) {
l = _super->_positivize_index(l), r = _super->_positivize_index(r);
assert(0 <= l and l <= r and r <= this->size());
return range_reference(_super, this->_begin + l, this->_begin + r);
template<uni::interval_notation rng = uni::interval_notation::right_open>
inline auto range(const size_type l, const size_type r) const noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) {
if constexpr(rng == uni::interval_notation::right_open) return this->sub_range(l, r);
if constexpr(rng == uni::interval_notation::left_open) return this->sub_range(l+1, r+1);
if constexpr(rng == uni::interval_notation::open) return this->sub_range(l+1, r);
if constexpr(rng == uni::interval_notation::closed) return this->sub_range(l, r+1);
inline auto range() const noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { return range_reference(this->_begin, this->_end); }
inline auto operator()(const size_type l, const size_type r) const noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { return this->sub_range(l, r); }
inline auto subseq(const size_type p, const size_type c) const noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { return this->sub_range(p, p+c); }
inline auto subseq(const size_type p) const noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) { return this->sub_range(p, this->size()); }
} // namespace internal
} // namespace uni