#pragma once
#include <map><--- Include file:
#include <unordered_map><--- Include file: not found. Please note: Cppcheck does not need standard library headers to get proper results.
#include <functional><--- Include file: not found. Please note: Cppcheck does not need standard library headers to get proper results.
#include "internal/types.hpp"
#include "internal/exception.hpp"
#include "adaptor/gnu/hash_table.hpp"
#include "adaptor/set.hpp"
namespace uni {
namespace internal {
template<class Map>
using map_wrapper_base = set_wrapper<Map>;
template<class Map> struct map_wrapper : map_wrapper_base<Map> {
using base = map_wrapper_base<Map>;
using base::base;
using mapped_type = typename base::mapped_type;
using key_type = typename base::key_type;
using default_func_noarg_type = std::function<mapped_type(void)>;
using default_func_type = std::function<mapped_type(key_type)>;
int _default_type = 0;
mapped_type _default_val = mapped_type();
default_func_noarg_type _default_func_noarg;
default_func_type _default_func;
inline mapped_type _get_default(const key_type& key) const noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) {
if(this->_default_type == 0) return this->_default_val;
if(this->_default_type == 1) return this->_default_func_noarg();
if(this->_default_type == 2) return this->_default_func(key);
else assert(false);
inline auto& set_default(const mapped_type& val) noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) {
this->_default_val = val;
this->_default_type = 0;
return *this;
inline auto& set_default(const default_func_noarg_type func) noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) {
this->_default_func_noarg = func;
this->_default_type = 1;
return *this;
inline auto& set_default(const default_func_type func) noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) {
this->_default_func = func;
this->_default_type = 2;
return *this;
inline auto& operator[](const key_type& key) noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) {
auto found = this->base::find(key);
if(found == this->base::end()) return this->base::emplace(key, this->_get_default(key)).first->second;
return found->second;
inline auto& operator()(const key_type& key) noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) {
return this->base::operator[](key);
inline std::optional<mapped_type> get(const key_type& key) const noexcept(NO_EXCEPT) {
const auto found = this->base::find(key);
if(found == this->base::end()) return {};
return found->second;
} // namespace internal
template<class... Args> using map = internal::map_wrapper<std::map<Args...>>;
template<class... Args> using unordered_map = internal::map_wrapper<std::unordered_map<Args...>>;
template<class... Args> using multimap = internal::map_wrapper<std::multimap<Args...>>;
template<class... Args> using unordered_multimap = internal::map_wrapper<std::unordered_multimap<Args...>>;
template<class... Args> using cc_hash_table = internal::map_wrapper<gnu::cc_hash_table<Args...>>;
template<class... Args> using gp_hash_table = internal::map_wrapper<gnu::gp_hash_table<Args...>>;
} // namespace uni